How to make a list of tags in a Gatsby JS blog
Basic how to code a simple comma separated tag list in a blog post done with Gatsby JS (React).
This is a basic tutorial belongs to #100DaysOfGatsby Challenge.
We have a Markdown basic blog system under GatsbyJS. We want to do a basic tag list for each post. So in the Frontmatter we could add a new field with an array of tags:
1--- 2title: "How to make a list of tags in a Gatsby JS blog" 3subtitle: "Basic how to code a simple comma separated tag list in a blog post done with Gatsby JS (React)." 4date: "2020-01-04" 5banner: "/blog/100-days-of-gatsby-challenge.png" 6tags: ['javascript', '#100DaysOfGatsby', 'gatsby'] 7---
Note: You need previously understand how to do a Markdown post page with [Gatsby's transformer plugin*(
Solution: Arrow function + map() method:
We need to have previously a Gatsby template to show each markdown post page. Again visit Basic Gatsby Blog tutorial:
1import React from "react" 2import { graphql } from "gatsby" 3import Layout from "../components/layout" 4 5export default ({ data }) => { 6 const post = data.markdownRemark 7 return ( 8 <Layout> 9 <div className="container__inner"> 10 <article className="article"> 11 <h2 className="article__title">{post.frontmatter.title}</h2> 12 <h3 className="article__subtitle">{post.frontmatter.subtitle}</h3> 13 <p className="article__date">{}</p> 14 <p className="article__tags">Tags: TO DO</p> 15 <div className="article__image"><img src={post.frontmatter.banner} alt="" /></div> 16 <div className="article__cont" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.html }} /> 17 </article> 18 </div> 19 </Layout> 20 ) 21} 22 23export const query = graphql` 24 query($slug: String!) { 25 markdownRemark(fields: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) { 26 html 27 frontmatter { 28 title 29 subtitle 30 date(formatString: "DD MMMM, YYYY") 31 banner 32 tags 33 } 34 } 35 } 36`
So as frontmatter tag field is an array, we can use the power of map() function with an arrow function to display a list of tags, comma separated but avoiding last comma:
1{, i) => [ 2 <strong key={i}> 3 {tag} 4 {i < post.frontmatter.tags.length - 1 ? ', ' : ''} 5 </strong> 6])}
Final code (used in this page under src/templates/blog-post.js) would be:
1import React from "react" 2import { graphql } from "gatsby" 3import Layout from "../components/layout" 4 5export default ({ data }) => { 6 const post = data.markdownRemark 7 return ( 8 <Layout>s 9 <article className="article"> 10 <h2 className="article__title">{post.frontmatter.title}</h2> 11 <h3 className="article__subtitle">{post.frontmatter.subtitle}</h3> 12 <p className="article__date">{}</p> 13 <p className="article__tags">Tags: {, i) => [ 14 <strong key={i}> 15 {tag} 16 {i < post.frontmatter.tags.length - 1 ? ', ' : ''} 17 </strong> 18 ])} 19 </p> 20 <div className="article__image"><img src={post.frontmatter.banner} alt="" /></div> 21 <div className="article__cont" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.html }} /> 22 </article> 23 </Layout> 24 ) 25} 26 27export const query = graphql` 28 query($slug: String!) { 29 markdownRemark(fields: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) { 30 html 31 frontmatter { 32 title 33 subtitle 34 date(formatString: "DD MMMM, YYYY") 35 banner 36 tags 37 } 38 } 39 } 40`
That's all, pretty basic, but a nice to have snippet. To go beyond, visit the official Gatsby Documentation How to do a tag list page.